Welcome to your simulation.
The greatest experience you may ever have.
It’s very hard to explain what simulationsis.
So, we’ll say what simulations is not.
And even then, it’s not the truth.
To know the truth, you must experience it yourself.
Simulations is not:
❶ Virtual Reality.
Virtual worlds can be cool, but they’re not the real deal. You can simulate your own world already with your eyes closed. No fancy hardware or annoying goggles are necessary.
❷ Artificial Intelligence.
The greatest technology still lives between the ears on your head and the drum in your chest. Simulation honours your natural intelligence. No robots needed, no implants required.
❸ Meditation.
No need to silence your mind. Your thoughts and feelings are sacred. Simulation welcomes all of you. Especially the parts you are scared of. When they get heard, they silence themselves.
❹ Coaching.
No directions to take or experts to follow. No advice to receive or tactics to scrape. No one is going to come and tell you what to do. With simulation, you don’t need to be told.
❺ Therapy.
No diseases to diagnose or pills to swallow. You are responsible for your vitality. You are the expert of your world. Simulation reminds you of that, day in and day out, for the rest of your life.
❻ Substances.
No potion to drink or pipe to smoke. No toads to lick or lines to snort. No ingestion is needed. The most potent substance is your magic within. Simulation awakens the life force.
❼ God.
No idols to worship or spirit to deny. Whether you believe in God or not, what’s important is your own experience. As with love, a humble heart is what matters most.
Your simulation is whatever you want it to be. Simulations has never existed before.
Not until now.
Welcome to ✣ SimulationsThe future of consciousness.